www.artsonthecredit.caDuring this Free art tour, Marcelo Leonardo Pazán and thirty other artists will be showcasing their art at various locations throughout the scenic village of Port Credit. There will be live music, free draw prizes and much more! Are looking for some fine times then head down to Brant Avenue to buy some fine art. The show start from 11 am to 5 pm on Saturday and from 11 am to 4 pm on Sunday. But Pazan Gallery will be around until 5pm on both days. Lots more information here: www.ArtsOnTheCredit.ca
Marcelo Leonardo Pazan will be showcasing his latest collection of photographs from the Morphology series. This series is an ongoing photographic documentation of the restoration of the wetlands at the old Lakeview Lands. Pazan is one of a few Mississauga photographers selected to participate in the Morphology project. The Morphology photographic exhibit was the brainchild of the late Jim Tovey, Ward 1 councilor for the City of Mississauga. In 2017, Jim wanted to creatively capture the physical transition of the Lakeview Lands from an industrial site into a restored wetland conservation area, a lakefront park, and a modern lakefront neighbourhood. Jim recruited the help of local photographers and convinced the Region of Peel to continue this project till the finish. The Morphology project is scheduled to last for 7 years. Lots more information here: http://www.urbanstrategies.com/project/inspiration-lakeview/ www.PazanGallery,com |
February 2024
Tuesday to Saturday 11 am - 4 pm CLOSED: Sunday & Monday OFF-HOURS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Please call 905-278-1374 or email: [email protected] |
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